Impaired rod maturation in PDE6B patient retinal organoids. (A) Representative immunostaining pictures of the presynaptic marker synaptophysin and rhodopsin (RHO) in retinal organoids. Bar: 25 μm. (B) Amplified presynaptic formation of rod photoreceptors indicated with arrows in (A). Bar: 25 μm. (C) Colocalization of RHO and synaptophysin. (D) Representative immunostaining pictures of the cilium marker ARL13B and RHO in retinal organoids at D230. Bar: 25 μm. Boxes were amplified images. White arrows indicated definite signal of ARL13B represent cilia. Bar: 6.25 μm. (E) Statistic analysis of cilia number in retinal organoids at D230. Statistical results are the mean values ± SD of 3 organoids (3 images each) (D230) of two independent differentiations from the control and patient. Two-tailed t-test, ***P < 0.001.