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. 2020 Mar 5;25(9):2000178. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.9.2000178

Table. Characteristics of confirmed COVID-19 cases, WHO European Region, as at 21 February 2020 (n = 38)a.

Characteristics Number of cases overall Number of cases infected in Europe Number of cases infected in China p valueb
Age range in years
    0–17 4 3 0 0.08
    18–49 24 13 9
    50–64 7 5 2
    ≥ 65 3 0 3
    Male 25 14 8 0.6
    Female 13 7 6
    Yes 35 21 14 ND
    No 2 ND ND
    Unknown 1 ND ND
Symptomsc (31 cases with available information)
    Asymptomatic 2 ND ND ND
    Fever 20 ND ND
    Cough 14 ND ND
    Weakness 8 ND ND
    Headaches 6 ND ND
    Sore throat 2 ND ND
    Rhinorrhoea 2 ND ND
    Shortness of breath 2 ND ND
Mean days from onset to hospitalisation
(29 cases)
3.7 4.6 2.5 ND
Mean days from onset to first positive laboratory test
(16 cases)
5.1 6.5 5.2 ND

COVID-19: coronavirus disease 2019; ND: not determined or known; WHO: World Health Organization.

a The Table does not include nine cases reported in the United Kingdom.

b Chi-squared test for difference in distributions between cases infected in Europe and those infected in China.

c A single case could have more than one symptom. Only symptoms reported by two or more cases shown.