Figure 2. Examples of Predictions From the Model Compared With Thresholding Methods in Typical Cases.
Two representative sections are shown. Minimal reperfusion indicates a 24-hour reperfusion rate of 0%; major reperfusion, 24-hour reperfusion rate of 100%; and partial reperfusion, 24-hour reperfusion rate of 60%. Baseline images acquired at presentation were inputs, and the final true infarct lesion at 3 to 7 days was considered the ground truth for the model. Infarct lesions at 3 to 7 days are outlined by the red solid line on the T2-weighted fluid-attenuated inversion recovery images. Numbers after predicted volume (mL) indicate Dice score coefficients. CBF indicates cerebral blood flow; CBV, cerebral blood volume; DSC, Dice score coefficient; DWI, diffusion-weighted imaging; MTT, mean transit time; and Tmax transit, time to maximum of the residue function.