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. 2020 Mar 12;21:255. doi: 10.1186/s13063-020-4159-9

Table 2.

The locations of electrodes and MVIC positions

Muscle Electrode location MVIC position
Upper trapezius The halfway point between the spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra and the acromion In a sitting position with abduction at 90°
Middle trapezius The halfway point between the scapular medial border and the T3 In a prone position with horizontal abduction at 90° and external rotation
Lower trapezius At 2/3 on the line from the trigonum spinea to the T8 In a prone position with horizontal abduction in 120° in line with the fibers of the muscle and the thumb pointing upward
Serratus anterior In the mid-axillary line over the fifth rib In a sitting position with maximum resistance given to upward rotation of the scapula with the shoulder flexed
Middle deltoid The halfway point of the acromion and the deltoid tuberosity In a sitting position with abduction at 90°