Table 1.
Case | Gestational age at diagnosis (WG) | Cerebral abnormalities associated detected at US examination | Other morphologic abnormalities detected at US examination | Karyotype, CGH array | MRI at 32 weeks | Gestational age at delivery (WG) | Neurological evaluation at birth | Endocrine evaluation | Final diagnosis |
1 | 22 | No | No | Not performed | Hypointense pituitary gland | 37 + 4 | Dysexecutive syndrome | GH and TSH deficiency | Septo‐optic dysplasia |
2 | 22 + 5 | No | Esophageal atresia, SUA | Normal | Normal | 40 + 2 | Normal | Normal | ASP and esophageal atresia |
3 | 32 | No | No | Normal | Normal | 39 | Normal | Normal | Isolated ASP |
4 | 27 + 5 | Thin CC | No | Normal | CC dysgenesis, perisylvian microgyria | 38 | Left monoparesis, language delay | Normal | ASP and opercular dysplasia |
Abbreviation: ASP, The absence of septum pellucidum.