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. 2020 Mar 13;11:1363. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-15185-0

Fig. 5. Strong nucleosomes are enriched for evolutionarily young LINE and SINE elements.

Fig. 5

a Fold enrichment of strong-nucleosome occurrence in L1 subfamilies. The top 30 abundant subfamilies are shown ordered by evolutionary age. Dot sizes depict the numbers of strong nucleosomes and color-scale indicates the subfamily age. b Same as a but for Alu elements (only major subfamilies with age information presented here). c Densities of strong-nucleosome dyads, de novo SNVs, and de novo INDELs along the Alu sequences and flanking regions, grouped by Alu subfamilies of different ages. Bar plots show the average densities for all Alus of different subfamilies on the right, with dots representing the values of Alu bins in the left meta-profile panels. The bottom panel shows the average DNA deformation energies along Alu sequences estimated using nuScore. Profiles were plotted using Alu elements ≥250 bp and all elements were scaled up to a 300 bp region in the plots. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.