Figure 2.
Characterization of CNT-DOX-Fe3O4-Tf and CNT modifications to obtain the multicomponent CNT-DOX-Fe3O4-Tf (nanobot). (A) TEM microscopy images of CNT-DOX-Fe3O4-Tf, (B) evidencing Fe3O4 structure, and (C) crystalline features of the NPs. (D) FTIR spectra of of (a) CNT-COOH, (b) CNT-DOX, (c) CNT-DOX-Fe3O4 and (d) CNT-DOX-Fe3O4-Tf. (E) surface charge evolution upon loading of CNT with DOX and further conjuagtion of Fe3O4 and Tf, (F) UV-visible spectra of DOX (λmax = 480 nm), Tf (λmax = 280 nm) and CNT-DOX-Fe3O4-Tf (Tf peak at 280 nm and DOX peak at 480 nm). (G) Normalized fluorescence spectra of DOX and CNT-DOX-Fe3O4-Tf (λex = 480 nm, λem = 590 nm).