Presynaptic Cow elevation decreases Wg and increases satellite boutons. A, Confocal images of NMJ boutons triple labeled with anti-HRP (blue), anti-Cow (green), and anti-Wg (red), and merged (far right) comparing transgenic controls (vglut-Gal4/+) to motor neuron Cow overexpression condition (vglut>cow). Labeling was done in the absence of detergent to reveal only secreted Cow and Wg. B, Representative muscle 4 NMJ images colabeled for presynaptic HRP (red) and postsynaptic DLG (green) comparing controls (vglut-Gal4/+) to neuronal Cow overexpression (vglut>cow). Asterisks indicate satellite boutons. The second panel shows HRP alone with arrows indicating distinct spots of HRP accumulation, and the third panel shows HRP expression heatmap. C, Quantification of confocal fluorescence intensity for Cow (left) and Wg (right) in the two conditions shown in a scatter plot, with mean ± SEM. D, Quantification of synaptic bouton number (left) and the percentage of satellite boutons (right) in transgenic controls versus cow neuronal overexpression shown in a scatter plot, with mean ± SEM. p Values are shown for each statistical comparison.