Figure 5.
Presynaptic Cow limits synaptic vesicle fusion for NMJ neurotransmission. A, Representative motor nerve stimulation-evoked EJC traces (1.5 mm [Ca2+]) from the w1118 genetic background control, cowGDP homozygous mutant, and cowGDP/Df mutant. B, Quantification of EJC amplitudes in the three genotypes shown in a scatter plot, with mean ± SEM. C, Representative mEJC recording traces from the same genotypes. D, Quantification of mEJC frequency (left) and amplitude (right) from the three genotypes. E, Representative probability maps (30 s) of SynapGCaMP imaging of mEJC events in motor neuron-targeted Gal4 driver control (vglut-Gal4/+, top) and cow RNAi knockdown (vglut>cow-RNAi, bottom), indicating mEJC location (dot) and frequency (color; see scale inset). F, Quantification of SynapGCaMP event frequency (in Hz/μm2; left) and fluorescence intensity (ΔF/F0; right) shown in scatter plots, with mean ± SEM. p Values are shown for each statistical comparison.