Figure 5.
CNO-mediated inhibition of dmPFC-BLA terminals expressing the Gi-DREADD attenuates withdrawal-induced anxiety-like behavior. A, Representative fluorescent images of the PL-targeted injection site for the Gi-coupled DREADDS (mCherry reporter). Inset, Right, Magnified view within the PL. ac, Anterior commissure. B, Schematic depicting approximate the location of guide cannula tips (black circles). Anterior/posterior position relative to bregma is indicated at the bottom of each image (coronal slice diagrams are taken from Paxinos and Watson, 2005). C, CNO application to dmPFC-BLA terminals reduces withdrawal-related anxiety-like behavior. C1, Percentage of time spent in the open areas of the elevated zero maze for AIR (N = 15) and CIE/WD (N = 15) animals expressing Gi-DREADDs that received microinjections of either aCSF (N = 7-8/group) or CNO (N = 7-8/group; 300 μm). Significant interaction between AIR/CIE and vehicle/CNO (see text; two-way ANOVA) along with significant differences between AIR ACSF vs CIE/WD aCSF and between CIE/WD aCSF vs CIE/WD CNO (Bonferroni post-tests, *p < 0.05). No significant differences between AIR aCSF and AIR CNO or between AIR aCSF and CIE/WD CNO. C2, Significant interaction and the main effect of exposure condition (AIR vs CIE/WD) for the total distance moved in centimeters on the EZM (see text; two-way ANOVA). CNO significantly impacted locomotor behavior in air-exposed controls (Bonferroni’s post-test, *p < 0.05). C3, Representative heat plots of the amount of time spent in open vs closed areas of the EZM depicting averaged group data. D, The effects of CNO microinjection into the BLA require the expression of the Gi-DREADD in dmPFC terminals. D1, The main effect of exposure condition (AIR vs CIE/WD) on the percentage of time spent in the open areas of the EZM in animals without the DREADD construct (N = 4/group). D2, No differences observed between any of the conditions for total distances moved. Figure originally published in Paxinos and Watson, 2005. Copyright Elsevier 2005.