Evaluation of the matrix effect in exosome-depleted human serum for MCF7 exosomes detection using antiCDX-MPs modified with antibodies against CD9, CD24, CD44, CD54, CD63, CD81, CD340 and CD81R (rabbit polyclonal) biomarkers for the IMS, followed by direct labeling with an antiCD63-HRP antibody (1.24 μg mL−1). Detection of exosomes in (A) 0%; 10 mmol L−1 phosphate-buffered saline/PBS (standard for no matrix effect), (B) 10%, (C) 25%, (D) 50% and (E) 100% exosome-depleted human serum (undiluted human serum). The concentrations of MPs and exosomes were set at 1 × 106 MPs and 4 × 109 exosomes per assay, respectively. The background (as a negative control without exosomes) are also shown in all the experiments. The error bars show the standard deviation for n = 3.