(A) Proportion of noncoding transcripts, transcripts containing
non-GenBank ORFs, and transcripts containing GenBank-annotated ORFs at specified
transcript lengths.
(B) Type of noncoding transcript relative to overlapping ORFs.
(C) TRIMD-identified transcripts and supporting evidence at the
ORF75A/B/C locus. The GenBank section indicates reference GenBank-annotated ORFs
in this locus. TRIMD-identified transcripts are indicated (noncoding, dark
green; early, light blue; early-late, royal blue; late, dark blue; unknown ORF,
purple) for both plus and minus strands, along with corresponding RNA-seq tracks
for the TRIMD dataset (18h 3T12.bla) and validation sample sets. RNA-seq read
depth (log2 scale) is indicated. N = 1 for each sample. The red line indicates
the probe site used in the northern blot in (E).
(D) CPAT-determined coding probability and ORF proportion for
transcripts in the ORF75A/B/C locus.
(E) Northern blot for TRIMD-identified noncoding transcripts in
theORF75 locus. NIH 3T12 fibroblasts were mock infected or were infected with
wild-type MHV68 for 18 hours post-infection (hpi). The northern blot probe
binding site is indicated in (C). Representative of 4 biological replicates.