Appendix 6A.
Effect of ACA Medicaid expansions on admissions per 100,000 non-elderly adults using alternative controls for between state heterogeneity: TEDS 2010-2015
Outcome: | Admissions |
Pre-expansion mean in the expansion state group | 1062 |
Model (1) | 83.454 (54.081) |
Model (2) | 88.942 (58.583) |
Model (3) | 101.872* (57.340) |
N | 299 |
Notes: All models estimated with OLS. Standard errors are clustered at the state level and are reported in parentheses. Model (1) controls for state demographics, state fixed effects, and period fixed effects (baseline model). Model (2) controls for state demographics, state-specific linear time trends, state fixed effects, and year fixed effects. Model (3) controls for state and year fixed effects.
=statistically different from zero at the 1%;5%;10% level.