Table 5.
Study Measures.
Variable Type | Measure | When Measured |
Primary outcome | Average of up to 4 0–10 recall numerical scale ratings of pain intensity | All assessment points |
Secondary outcomes | PROMIS Depression SF[68] PROMIS Anxiety SF[68] PROMIS Sleep Disturbance SF[68] PROMIS Pain Interference SF[68] PTSD Checklist-Civilian version[69] Patient’s Global Impression of Change[70] |
Assessed at all time points except Global Improvement, assessed at post-treatment only. |
Mediators: Biological | Change in bandwidth oscillation power: theta, alpha, beta, and gamma bandwidth | EEG measured at pre- and post-treatment only. |
Mediators: Psychological | Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire. [71] Pain Catastrophizing Scale [72] Self-Compassion Scale Mindfulness subscale[73] Working Alliance-Short Form [74] Pain Catastrophizing Scale [72] Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire- Short Form[75] Working Alliance-Short Form [74] Behavioral Inhibition/Behavioral Activation Systems BIS/BAS[76] Self-report of between-session skill practice |
Mediators assessed at all times except working alliance (measured only during treatment and post treatment) and skill practice (not collected at pre-treatment). |
Moderators: | Baseline EEG: Theta, alpha, beta, and gamma power Stanford Clinical Hypnotizability Scale [77–79] Outcome Expectancy and Treatment Motivation: Treatment Efficacy Scale [80–82] Pain Type : LANSS[51] and Pain DETECT[83] Cognitive Function: Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test©, Symbol Digit Modalities Test©, Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale – 4th Edition (Digit Span subtest)©, Trail Making Test©, Wide Range Achievement Test – 4th Edition© Functional Comorbidity Index (FCI)[84] |
Baseline and/or Pre-treatment |
Notes: PROMIS = Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System