Histologic images obtained from the ventral pulmonary fragments of the
control (left), cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB; middle), and lung perfusion (right)
groups using light (upper; magnification 400×) and electron (lower)
microscopy. As can be seen in the panel A2, the interalveolar septa were
thickened by edema and infiltrated by polymorphonuclear (red arrows), thickening
of the intraalveolar septa, while the interalveolar septa integrity was
preserved in the lung perfusion group (A3). Panel B1 shows an electron
micrograph from a lung fragment from the control group where the alveolar septa
and capillaries are normal, and the histoarchitecture of the alveolar space is
maintained. Note a type II pneumocyte, with lamellar bodies (arrow). Panel B2
shows a lung fragment from the CPB group (970×). Notice the extended
edema vacuolization of the alveolar septa resulting in a consequent thickness of
interalveolar septa. There are signs of extrusion of surfactant vesicles of
surfactant into alveolar spaces (arrow). Panel B3 shows that the
histoarchitecture of the interalveolar septa and capillaries was preserved, as
well as the absence of interstitial edema (1650×).