sPLA2-IIA induces collagen production in cardiac fibroblast (CFs). CFs pretreated without/with the indicated inhibitors, were stimulated with 1 μg/mL of sPLA2-IIA. (A) After 24 h, collagen I protein expression was evaluated on cells by flow cytometry. Untreated (solid black curves) and sPLA2-IIA-treated (solid dark grey curves) CFs were compared with isotype controls (solid light grey curves). Representative histograms are shown, n = 3. (B) After 72 h, total collagen accumulation on CFs cultures was stained with picro-Sirius red and quantified by spectrophotometric analysis. Bar graphs represent the mean ± SD; n = 3. * p < 0.001 vs. control cells, # p < 0.001 vs. sPLA2-IIA-treated cells.