Figure 1.
Histologic appearance of the samples analyzed (a–d). (a) Papillary carcinoma BRAF p.V600E mutated (×100). (b) Psammoma body (arrow) protruding into a dilated lymphatic space (×100); the inset shows the psammoma body at higher magnification and in the plane of focus (×400). BRAF p.V600E is identified after sequencing of DNA extracted from the area containing the psammoma body. (c) Focus of follicular cell atypia (×200) (arrows, inset at higher magnification, ×400). BRAF p.V600M is identified after the sequencing of DNA extracted from the area with follicular cell atypia. (d) Focus of follicular cell hyperplasia with oncocytic change (×200) (arrows, inset at higher magnification, ×400). BRAF p. S607P is identified after the sequencing of DNA extracted from the area with follicular cell hyperplasia.