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. 2020 Feb 12;12(2):430. doi: 10.3390/cancers12020430

Figure 2.

Figure 2

BRAF exon 15 status in thyroid samples. Bars represent the number of samples that are BRAF p.V600E, BRAF non p.V600E mutated, and BRAF wild type (WT). Percentages are in parenthesis. Two separate samples were analyzed from one follicular adenoma for a total of four samples from three follicular adenomas. Two separate samples were analyzed from one oncocytic follicular adenoma. PTC: papillary thyroid carcinoma; PTC-CL: classic PTC; PTC-TC: PTC, tall cell variant; PTC-FV-INF: PTC follicular variant—Infiltrative; PTC-FV-ENCAPS-CAPSINV: PTC follicular variant—Encapsulated, with capsular invasion; PsB: psammoma bodies; FA: follicular adenoma; FA-ONC: follicular adenoma, oncocytic; ATY: thyroid tissue with follicular cell atypia; HYP: thyroid tissue with follicular cell hyperplasia; and NORM: histologically normal thyroid tissue.