Study ID |
Initials of person extracting data |
Type of report (e.g. peer‐reviewed journal article, full report, brief report, letter, unpublished data) |
Language of report |
Full citation
Design of study (e.g. controlled trial, cross‐over trial)
Site of intervention (e.g. single site, multiple sites, country)
Setting of intervention (e.g. urban, rural, mixed) |
Ethics committee approval |
Age of participants (e.g. mean, SD, range) |
Ethnicity and other demographics of participants |
Baseline characteristics
Inclusion criteria |
Exclusion criteria |
Description of intervention(s) (including control condition, placebo, treatment as usual etc.) |
Duration of intervention(s) |
Total number of participants randomised |
Unit of allocation
Power calculation or sample size estimate |
Prospectively stated outcome(s) |