Intranasal administration of WNT3A preserves motor function of CCI mice. (A) Timeline of the experimental design for cylinder test. Dpi, day post injury. (B) The box plots of mice forelimb placing capacity in the left (ipsilateral unimpaired) forelimb before and after CCI for sham control (n = 10), PBS control (n = 8), and WNT3A treatment (n = 7) (−1 to 3 dpi). The boundaries of the boxes closest and farthest to the zero point indicate the 25th and the 75th percentiles, respectively. The black bars within the boxes mark the median and the values are presented below the plot. The limit of whiskers above and below the boxes mark the maximal and minimal values respectively. * p ≤ 0.05, analyzed by Two-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s test.