A) Loss of ETV4 reduces metabolic activity in full serum media, but not in hormone-depleted (HD) media (WT Full (n=2), WT HD (n=6), ETV4 −/− Full (n=8), ETV4 −/− HD (n=7)). B) Representative images and staining of wildtype and ETV4 KO organoids (Live cells - calcein AM; Dead cells - Cytox orange; DNA – Hoescht, scale bar=25μm). C) H&E staining depicts hollow organoid structures (red arrows) grown in full media, enriched in the knockout cells. Quantification of hollow organoids shows an increase in the knockout clones in both full serum media (p-value= 0.0001, unpaired t-test) (D) and hormone-depleted media (p-value=0.0474, unpaired t-test) (E) (WT Full (n=4), ETV4 −/− Full (n=8), WT HD (n=4), ETV4 −/− HD (n=8)). Error bars represent s.e.m.