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. 2013 Jul 31;2013(7):CD001449. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD001449.pub3

South Africa 1989.

Methods Random number table, no further information. CFU ‐ A, blinding ‐ C.
Participants 33 primigravid women; no hypertension, renal disease, or other medical problems; no antihypertensive therapy; DBP 110 mmHg or more for 2 hrs; and at least 28 weeks' gestation. Not needing immediate delivery and no fetal distress.
Interventions Nifedipine: 10 mg oral. Repeated after 30 mins if no response.
 Hydralazine: 6.25 mg in 10 mL water IV over 5‐10 mins. Repeated after 30 mins if no response.
Outcomes Woman: need for second dose, low BP causing fetal distress, side‐effects (headache, flushing nausea, retrosternal pain).
 Baby: death.
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Low risk “...they were allocated to one of two groups using a random number table.”
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Unclear risk B ‐ Unclear. Not reported.
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias) 
 All outcomes High risk Not reported, but regimens different.
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias) 
 All outcomes High risk Not reported, but regimens different.
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 All outcomes Unclear risk Unclear.
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Low risk All expected outcomes reported.
Other bias Unclear risk Unclear.