DamID profiles of the 129Sv allele of the Morc1 locus with deletions of the promoters of Morc, Morc1, and DppA2 (deletions marked by yellow vertical boxes) and in control cells.
Same as (A), but for the non‐mutated Cast allele.
C, D
Same design as (A, B), but with only a single mono‐allelic deletion of the Morc promoter (vertical yellow box).
E, F
Effect of PAS insertion on NL interactions of Cobl gene locus. Same design as (A, B) but with insertion of a PAS (located at red triangle and vertical dotted line) that truncates the 129Sv allele of the Cobl transcription unit. 129Sv allele is shown in (E), non‐mutated Cast allele in (F).
Data information: Clones with
Morc1 locus mutations (each assayed in four independent biological replicates) served collectively as control in (E, F), and the clone with the PAS integration (eight independent biological replicates) served as control in (A–D). Visualization of DamID data in all panels is as in Fig