Effect of mutant TP53 on microRNA (miR)-27a* in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). A) Analysis of miR-27a* and TP53 protein levels in HN31 cells transfected with control small interfering RNA (siRNA) or TP53 siRNA. miR-27a* and TP53 protein levels were examined in (B) UM-SCC-1 and (C) PCI-13 cells engineered to express TP53 R175H and TP53 C238F, respectively. Error bars represent mean (SEM). RNU6B was used as an endogenous control for miRNA analysis. Mutation status of HNSCC tumors in TCGA was classified according to the EAp53 scoring system into wild-type (WT), low-risk (LR), high-risk (HR), and other. miR-27a* expression analyzed in (D) HNSCC cohort, (E) oral cavity cohort, (F) and oral cavity HPV– cohort. Box-and-whisker plots are shown (box plot represents first [lower bound] and third [upper bound] quartiles; whiskers represent 1.5 times the interquartile range). P values are indicated. All statistical tests were two-sided.