Figure 1.
Strength of the association between solid cancers with and without metastases and elevated vitamin B12 levels. Notes: Graphics present the adjusted OR illustrating the association between solid cancer and elevated vitamin B12 levels for all values of vitamin B12 between 300 and 2000 ng/L. For each tested threshold, the OR represented the association between elevated B12 and solid cancers by comparing patients with B12 concentration above this threshold with those having B12 concentration below this threshold (and not with a single reference group of patients with normal B12). These two analyses are independent. For each analysis, cancer without metastases in the left panel and with metastasis in the right panel was defined as a dichotomous variable (presence versus absence). The odds ratios are adjusted for sex, age, chronic and acute liver diseases, severe chronic kidney failure, autoimmune and inflammatory diseases, excessive vitamin B12 supplementation, myeloid, and lymphoid blood malignancies.