Figure 6.
ICP-MS and In Vivo MRI Analyses of MMn in C. elegans AD Models
Mn concentrations (A), as determined by ICP-MS, and (B) MRI analyses of MMn for pellets of wild-type (N2) and AD model (CL4176) C. elegans with and without MMn. Pellets were standardized by dissolving every 1 mg C. elegans in 100 μL HEPES and digesting in HNO3. n = 5–8 per sample, 2 replicates of each for ICP-MS measurements and n = 2–5 for MRI measurements. Dots represent individual samples; the mean (red line) and 95% confidence level for the mean (light red) are shown. Standard deviation (blue) is shown where larger than the 95% confidence level. *Two-sample t test on ICP-MS variance between MMn-wild-type (WT) and -AD models; p = 0.00018.