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. 2020 Jan 29;11(2):139. doi: 10.3390/genes11020139

Table 2.

Proposed genera defined by the GTDB taxonomy in the family Pseudomonadaceae compared with the currently recognized species, phylogenetic groups and genera based on the 4-genes MLSA. The number of species included in each group are also indicated.

Proposed Genera and Species in the GTDB Taxonomy Accepted Taxonomy and Phylogenetic Groups
Genera nr. species Genus, group (G) or representative species nr. species
Azotobacter 3 Azotobacter 8
Oblitimonas 1 O. alcaliphila 1
Pseudomonas 14 aeruginosa G 10
Pseudomonas_A 38 stutzeri G 12
Pseudomonas_B 7 oryzihabitans G 5
Pseudomonas_C 3 P. caeni 1
Pseudomonas_D 18 pertucinogena G 18
Pseudomonas_E 404 anguiliseptica G 142
fluorescens G
lutea G
putida G
oleovorans G
straminea G
syringae G
Pseudomonas_F 9 P. resinovorans 4
Pseudomonas_G 1 P. thermotolerans 1
Pseudomonas_H 1 P. flexibilis 1
Pseudomonas_K 4 linyingensis G 4
Pseudomonas_L 1 P. hussainii 1
Pseudomonas_M 2 P. indica 1
Pseudomonas_N 2 P. azotifigens 1
Pseudomonas_O 2 P. kuykendallii 1
Thiopseudomonas 2 T. denitrificans 1
strain ESL0073 1 - 0
Ventosimonas 1 V. gracilis 1
Total number of species 514 213