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. 2020 Jan 29;9(2):367. doi: 10.3390/jcm9020367

Table 1.

Relation of participant characteristics with ultrasound tomography-derived volume averaged sound speed (VASS) among controls (n = 165).

Volume Averaged Sound Speed (VASS)
Quartile 1: <1440.63 Quartile 2: 1440.63 to <1445.65 Quartile 3: 1445.65 to <1452.81 Quartile 4: ≥1452.81
Participant Characteristics N % N % N % N % p-Value *
Age: Median (range) 54.2 (32.7, 67) 50.9 (40.7, 67.7) 49.6 (35.4, 69.2) 48.4 (36.8, 64.8) 0.03 **
 White 12 30.0 11 25.6 12 29.3 16 39.0
 Black 27 67.5 30 69.8 28 68.3 24 58.5 0.91
 Other 1 2.5 2 4.7 1 2.4 1 2.4
BMI, kg/m2
 <25 3 7.5 6 14.3 6 14.6 21 51.2 <0.0001
 25–30 10 25.0 12 28.6 12 29.3 12 29.3
 30+ 27 67.5 24 57.1 23 56.1 8 19.5
 At most, high school/GED 14 35.0 14 32.6 7 17.1 11 26.8 0.54
 Some college/postsecondary courses 11 27.5 16 37.2 18 43.9 14 34.2
 College/graduate school 15 37.5 13 30.2 16 39.0 16 39.0
Age at menarche
 ≤12 26 66.7 27 62.8 22 53.7 19 46.3 0.34
 13 9 23.1 6 14.0 11 26.8 12 29.3
 14+ 4 10.3 10 23.3 8 19.5 10 24.4
Age at first birth
 Nulliparous/≥30 13 32.5 14 32.6 12 29.3 15 36.5 0.92
 <30 27 67.5 29 67.4 29 70.7 26 63.4
Menopausal status
 Premenopausal 14 35.0 22 51.2 26 63.4 31 75.6 0.0019
 Postmenopausal 26 65.0 21 48.8 15 36.6 10 24.4
Any first degree relative with breast cancer
 No 30 75.0 32 74.4 39 95.1 32 78.1 0.056
 Yes 10 25.0 11 25.6 2 4.9 9 22.0
BI-RADS breast density
 a (entirely fat) 20 50.0 14 32.6 6 14.6 1 2.4 <0.0001
 b (scattered densities) 19 47.5 27 62.8 26 63.4 7 17.1
 c (heterogeneously dense) 1 2.5 2 4.7 8 19.5 26 63.4
 d (extremely dense) 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 2.4 7 17.1
Mammographic percent density, quartiles
 <7.8% 17 42.5 18 41.9 6 14.6 0 0.0 <0.0001
 7.8 to <16.9% 16 40.0 12 27.9 13 31.7 1 2.4
 16.9 to <30.8% 7 17.5 8 18.6 15 36.6 10 24.4
 ≥30.8% 0 0.0 5 11.6 7 17.1 30 73.2

Quartiles based upon distribution among controls; * p-values from Chi-square test except where noted; ** Kruskal–Wallis test; Fisher’s exact test. BI-RADS: Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System.