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. 2020 Mar 12;12:295–305. doi: 10.2147/CLEP.S245642

Table 3.

Incidence and Prevalence of Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome

Study Country Study Period Age Total aHUS Cases Incidence per Million Annually (Range) Prevalence per Million
Bayer 2019*24 France 2009–2016 All ages 15 1.9
Ardissino 201625 Italy 2003–2012 ≤18 years old 12 0.75 9.4
Durkan 201628 Australia 1994–2001 ≤15 years old 14 0.44
Jenssen 201426 Norway 1999–2008 <16 years old 9 <1 (0–3)
Mallett 201429 Australia/New Zealand 2013 >18 years old 3 2.4
Wuhl 201427 Austria, Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Sweden, Scotland 2007–2011 All ages 815 0.39 4.96
2007-2011 <20 years old 81 0.26 2.21
2007–2011 >20 years old 734 0.42 5.75
Fremeaux-Bacchi 201313 France 2000–2008 All ages 214 0.23
Zimmerhackl 200623 Austria, Germany, Czechia, Hungary, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Italy, Turkey, Netherlands, Israel, Sweden, France 1974–2005 <18 years old 167 3.3

Note: *One pediatric case in the study.