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. 2020 Mar 16;15(3):e0229560. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0229560

Table 2. First order statistical features used for texture analysis.

Feature Name Equation #
Coefficient of variation, CV =σcμc 3
Excess kurtosis =1Nl=1N(clμcσc)43 4
Skewness =1Nl=1N(clμcσc)3 5
Lilliefor’s D The test statistic from a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test comparing the VOI value cumulative distribution Mc to a cumulative Gaussian G0 with same μc and σc: D=McG0 6
Lilliefor’s p Probability, that an observed AC distribution conforms to a Gaussian calculated from the test statistic D [44]. 7
Gauss Fit NRMSD The normalized room mean squared deviation (NRMSD) of a Gaussian fitted to the AC distribution in the VOI 8
Crest factor, CF (dB) CF=20log10|cmax|RMS(c),RMS(c)=1Nc2 9
Efficiency, normalized entropy, E E=logN(i=1NP(i)P(i)), P(i) = relative frequency of voxels with gray level i in c. 10
Mode / Mean Ratio of the mode and the mean activity concentration found in the VOI 11