Fig. 4. Voxel-wise tests of [11C]PBR28 VT.
a–e Representative planes of mean [11C]PBR28 VT in parametric images overlaid upon a anatomical reference template: a FEP HAB genotype subjects (n=8), b FEP MAB genotype subjects (n=5), c FEP LAB genotype subject (n=1), d HC HAB genotype subjects (n=9) and e HC MAB genotype subjects (n=6) separately. The color representation of VT, shown in the color bar on the lower left, is adjusted to to cover the variance between LAB, MAB, and HAB subjects in both groups. f A statistical parametric mapping (SPM) analysis shows one extensive cluster of lower VT in FEPs (n=13) compared to HCs (n=15) visualized here with a red to yellow gradient representing voxel-wise T-score values. The lower limit of the color bar on the lower right shows the T-score height threshold and the upper limit denotes maximum peak value.