Figure 4.
Behavioral correlate of phase coherence modulation (PCM). (A) Changes of phase coherence for different subgroups of attend-in trials based on their reaction time. The trials of all sites (31 sites) are divided into 16 distinct subgroups based on their reaction time. There is a negative correlation between the order of these subgroups and their phase coherence (Pearson’s correlation = −0.57, p-value = 0.02; Spearman’s rank correlation = −0.49; PCM computed at 200 ms from cue onset for 8 Hz within the 100–700 ms period post-cue). (B) Polar histogram of phases from trials with the longest reaction time vs those with shortest reaction time for the point with the highest PCM (200 ms post-cue, 8 Hz). The histogram includes 15 sectors and the number of trial vectors with the longest reaction time is counted in each sector in the most significant point of the PCM map (16th quantile- marked by blue) and the same is counted for the shortest reaction time trials (1st quantile – marked by red). The contours show the distribution of quantiles. Total number of trials in each quantile is 170 (5.75% of all trials in the attend-in condition) (p-value < 0.0001 for short response time percentile, p-value = 0.42 for long response time percentile; Rayleigh test. p-value = 0.011 for difference in phase coherence; permutation test).