Index | Region | Index | Region | Index | Region | Index | Region |
1 | lh.bankssts | 18 | lh.parahippocampal | 35 | rh.bankssts | 52 | rh.parahippocampal |
2 | lh.caudalanteriorcingulate | 19 | lh.parsopercularis | 36 | rh.caudalanteriorcingulate | 53 | rh.parsopercularis |
3 | lh.caudalmiddlefrontal | 20 | lh.parsorbitalis | 37 | rh.caudalmiddlefrontal | 54 | rh.parsorbitalis |
4 | lh.cuneus | 21 | lh.parstriangularis | 38 | rh.cuneus | 55 | rh.parstriangularis |
5 | lh.entorhinal | 22 | lh.pericalcarine | 39 | rh.entorhinal | 56 | rh.pericalcarine |
6 | lh.frontalpole | 23 | lh.postcentral | 40 | rh.frontalpole | 57 | rh.postcentral |
7 | lh.fusiform | 24 | lh.posteriorcingulate | 41 | rh.fusiform | 58 | rh.posteriorcingulate |
8 | lh.inferiorparietal | 25 | lh.precentral | 42 | rh.inferiorparietal | 59 | rh.precentral |
9 | lh.inferiortemporal | 26 | lh.precuneus | 43 | rh.inferiortemporal | 60 | rh.precuneus |
10 | lh.insula | 27 | lh.rostralanteriorcingulate | 44 | rh.insula | 61 | rh.rostralanteriorcingulate |
11 | lh.isthmuscingulate | 28 | lh.rostralmiddlefrontal | 45 | rh.isthmuscingulate | 62 | rh.rostralmiddlefrontal |
12 | lh.lateraloccipital | 29 | lh.superiorfrontal | 46 | rh.lateraloccipital | 63 | rh.superiorfrontal |
13 | lh.lateralorbitofrontal | 30 | lh.superiorparietal | 47 | rh.lateralorbitofrontal | 64 | rh.superiorparietal |
14 | lh.lingual | 31 | lh.superiortemporal | 48 | rh.lingual | 65 | rh.superiortemporal |
15 | lh.medialorbitofrontal | 32 | lh.supramarginal | 49 | rh.medialorbitofrontal | 66 | rh.supramarginal |
16 | lh.middletemporal | 33 | lh.temporalpole | 50 | rh.middletemporal | 67 | rh.temporalpole |
17 | lh.paracentral | 34 | lh.transversetemporal | 51 | rh.paracentral | 68 | rh.transversetemporal |
The prefix of lh indicates left hemisphere, and rh represents right hemisphere. The numbers are the indexes of function regions.