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. 2020 Mar 10;11:372. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00372


Percentage and number of parents reporting each type of responses to child’s victimization experiences by family type.

Family type
Full sample
Response Heterosexual Same-sex
n (%) n (%) n (%)
Talk to the bully 1 (2.27) 7 (14.00) 8 (8.51)
Talk to the bully’s parents 4 (9.09) 6 (11.76) 10 (10.53)
Talk to their child 39 (84.78) 53 (98.15) 92 (92.00)
Talk to the child’s teacher 28 (62.22) 41 (77.36) 69 (70.41)
Talk to the school counselor 11 (25) 18 (35.29) 29 (30.53)
Talk to the school administrator 13 (29.55) 26 (52) 39 (41.49)
Ignore/do nothing 2 (4.55) 4 (8.33) 6 (6.52)

Parents could have reported more than one type of response or have been missing on any one response (12.39% reported none of the responses, 19.47% one response, 25.66% two responses, 23.89% three responses, 13.27% four responses, 3.54% five responses, and 1.77% of parents reported six responses). Percentages are percentages of non-missing on that response type.

HHS Vulnerability Disclosure