Evolutionary tree of the PgGRAS protein. (a) PgGRAS proteins were divided into 15 subfamilies according to the classification of Arabidopsis thaliana by using the maximum-likelihood (ML) method. Green, Arabidopsis thaliana. Red, Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer. (b) Evolutionary analysis of GRAS proteins in using the maximum-likelihood (ML) method to construct an evolutionary tree of Solanum lycopersicum, Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer, Oryza sativa and Arabidopsis thaliana. Members with the same color of the clade belong to the same subfamily. Members with the same color on the outer circle are of the same species. Black, Solanum lycopersicum. Red, Arabidopsis thaliana. Yellow, Oryza sativa. Blue, Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer.