qPCR analysis of intermediate repeat recombination in UNG lines compared to wild-type: Recombination at intermediate repeats is an indicator of increased double-strand breaks in plant mitochondrial genomes. (a) Primer scheme for detecting parental and recombinant repeats: Using different combinations of primers that anneal to the unique sequence flanking the repeats, either parental type (1/1 and 2/2) or recombinant type (1/2 and 2/1) repeats can be amplified. (b) Fold change of intermediate repeats in young leaves of UNG lines relative to wild-type: Error bars are standard deviation of three biological replicates. (c) Fold change of intermediate repeats in mature leaves of UNG lines relative to wild-type: Error bars are standard deviation of three biological replicates. B1/1, B2/2, D2/2, and L2/2 show significant reduction in copy number (unpaired, 2-tailed student’s t-test, * indicates p < 0.05).