Categorisation of all MIR-miRNA entries identified in this study. G1-G4 represent conserved miRNAs while G5 represents novel miRNAs. Unique miRNAs represent distinct mature miRNA products. G1, pre-miRNAs can be mapped to the durum genome and ESTs (expressed sequence tags). G2, sequencing reads mapped to the durum genome and ESTs with their extended genome sequences forming secondary hairpins. G3, sequencing reads mapped to the durum genome and ESTs, but their extended genome sequences do not form secondary hairpins. G4, neither aligned reference pre-miRNAs nor sequencing reads can be further mapped to the genome. G5, novel miRNAs where reads cannot be mapped to the miRBase but can be mapped to the genome, and secondary hairpins can be formed from extended genome locations. TCG, constructed from DBA Aurora CG seedlings. TWH, constructed from DBA Aurora WH seedlings. SCG, constructed from L6 CG seedlings. SWH, constructed from L6 WH seedlings.