Table 1:
Criterion | Definition |
Chemical properties | Properties of a chemical that contribute to the exposure potential for human beings. |
Physical hazard potential | Assessed in terms of flammability and reactivity. Thresholds as established by NFPA 0–7. |
Persistence | Assessed in terms of chemical half-lives in soil, sediment, air, and water. Thresholds established by (1) EPA: Design for the Environment Program Alternatives; (2) Clean Production Action: The Green for Safer Chemicals Version 1.0. |
ADME | Assessed in terms of the human body's ability to absorb (A), distribute (D), metabolize (M), and excrete (E) the chemical. Thresholds and values derived using QikProp v3.0, based on 24-hour exposure period. |
Bioaccumulation | Assessed in terms of bioconcentration factor (BCF), octanol–water partition coefficient (Kow), and/or molecular weight. Thresholds established by (1) EPA: Design for the Environmental Program Alternatives; (2) Clean Production Action: The Green Screen for Safer Chemicals Version 1.0; and (3) Euro Chlor: Bioaccumulation: Definitions and Implications. |
Life cycle properties | The characteristics of a chemical's use throughout its life, ranging from production to product end-of-life. |
Production | Factors in production that create potential for exposure in human beings. |
Consumer use | Factors in consumer use that create potential for exposure in human beings. |
Disposal | Factors in disposal that create potential for exposure in human beings. |
Human use metrics | Factors associated with exposure potential for each of the life cycle stages. |
Ubiquity | How widespread the use of the chemical is in the (production, consumer use, disposal) life cycle area. |
Environment | The external environment of use in the (production, consumer use, disposal) life cycle area. |
Subject | Characteristics about the expected subject (user) of the chemical in the (production, consumer use, disposal) life cycle stage. |
Activity | The physical activities when using the chemical that influence exposure in the (production, consumer use, disposal) life cycle area. |
Note: Subcriteria are indented.