Alteration of cuticular wax and cutin loads on the stems of wild type (WT), lacs2-3, and LACS2-OE (OE-1) in response to submergence. (A) Scanning electron micrographs showing epicuticular wax crystals on the stems of six-week-old WT, lacs2-3, and OE-1 under normal growth conditions (air) or submergence for three days (submergence). Scale bar, 10 μm. (B) Transmission electron microscopy images showing cuticle layers in the stems of six-week-old WT, lacs2-3, and OE-1 under normal growth conditions (air) or submergence for three days (submergence). Scale bar, 500 nm. For each experiment, at least six leaves were used per genotype. Data are average values ± SD (n = 3) calculated from three independent experiments. The experiments have been biologically repeated three times and similar results were obtained.