A) Complementation tests show
Toll-2pTV is a loss of function allele, as it causes semi-lethality over the known null
Toll-2 allele
18wD7-35 and over deficiency
Df(2R)BSC594 for the locus, but not as severely as
18wD7-35 in trans-heterozygosis over the deficiency. Chi Square p<0.0001, and post-hoc multiple comparisons Bonferroni correction. (
Toll-2pTV/18wD7-35 mutants have reduced lifespan, compared to wild-type controls. (
C) In the negative geotaxis assay,
Toll-2 mutant flies are less able to climb up than wild-type controls. Chi Square p<0.0001, and post-hoc multiple comparisons Bonferroni correction. *p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001; ****p<0.0001. For sample sizes, genotypes and statistical analysis details see
Supplementary file 2.