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. 2019 Nov 26;93(3):399–407. doi: 10.1007/s00420-019-01491-8

Table 2.

Endo-PAT results among 59 metal smelter furnace workers, with paired sample t test of the difference between workday (WD) and day off (DO)

Mean Min–max
 Pulse (beats/min)a 65 43–91
 Reactive hyperemia index—RHIa 1.82 1.08–3.01
 LnRHIb 0.60 0.08–1.10
 Baseline pulse amplitude (BPA) occluded arma 539 69–1710
 Baseline pulse amplitude control arma 523 58–1634
 Baseline pulse amplitude (mean of both arms)a 545 64–1612
 Pulse (beats/minute)a 67* 42–102
 Reactive hyperemia index—RHIa 1.70 0.93–3.47
 LnRHIb 0.53 − 0.08 to 1.24
 Baseline pulse amplitude (BPA) occluded arma 788** 53–2552
 Baseline pulse amplitude control arma 796** 103–2422
 Baseline pulse amplitude (mean of both arms)a 796** 78–2487

*p < 0.05 between WD and DO

**p < 0.01 between WD and DO

aGeometric mean (GM)

bArithmetic mean (AM)