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. 2020 Jan 31;122(6):759–765. doi: 10.1038/s41416-020-0733-x

Table 2.

Type of surgery and tumour characteristics.

Anastrozole n (%) Fulvestrant n (%)
  Breast-conserving surgery 67 (60.4) 56 (52.8)
  Radical mastectomy 44 (39.6) 44 (41.5)
  None 6 (5.7)
 pT1/T2 100 (90.1) 77 (72.6)
 pT3/T4 9 (8.1) 16 (15.1)
 NA 2 (1.8) 13 (12.3)
 Negative 54 (48.6) 42 (39.6)
 Positive 55 (49.6) 53 (50)
 NA 2 (1.8) 11 (10.4)
Pathological responsea
  Non-responder 86 (77.5) 80 (75.5)
  Responder 20 (18.0) 14 (13.2)
  NA 5 (4.5) 12 (11.3)
Allred ER score
  0–5 1 (0.9) 18 (16.9)
  6–8 102 (91.9) 72 (67.9)
  NA 8 (7.2) 16 (15.2)
  ≤10% 72 (64.9) 65 (61.3)
  >10% 22 (19.8) 21 (19.8)
  NA 17 (15.3) 20 (18.9)
PEPI group
  I and II (<4) 56 (50.5) 48 (45.3)
  III (≥4) 36 (32.4) 30 (28.3)
  NA 19 (17.1) 28 (26.4)

TA combined with NA or NB and TB with NA or NB indicate an objective pathological response.

NA not available, PEPI preoperative endocrine prognostic index.

aaccording to the Sataloff classification.13

NA not available, PEPI preoperative endocrine prognostic index.