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. 2019 Dec 11;11(1):10–18. doi: 10.1016/

Table 2.

Proportion of primary health-care (PHC) facilities compliant with measures and each risk rating category in 2011/12 and 2014/15 (N = 60)

Variable/measure Baseline (external) audits (2011–2012)
Facilities compliant: n (%)
Follow up (internal) audits (2014–2015) Facilities compliant: n (%) Difference
% (95% CI)
Functional area: clinic/CHC manager
IPC policy (E checklist) 18 (30%) 32 (53%) 23% (4; 43)
The annual in service education & training plan includes IPC (especially TB and universal precautions) (E) 26 (43%) 42 (70%) 27% (7; 46)
There is educational material available for staff on universal precautions: hand washing/respirator use/sharps/PPE/cough etiquette (E) 44 (73%) 47 (78%) 5% (-10; 20)
There is educational material available to patients on prevention of the spread of TB (E) 49 (82%) 55 (92%) 10% (-4; 24)
Appropriate types of masks and FDA-approved respirators available and at risk staff fit tested (X) 50 (83%) 36 (60%) -23% (-40; -7)
Rooms used for patients with infectious TB are separated by adequate physical barriers from non-TB patients (X) 42 (70%) 44 (73%) 3% (-12; 19)
Rooms used for accommodation/consultation of patients with respiratory infections have adequate natural or mechanical ventilation (E) 47 (78%) 55 (92%) -14% (-0.2; 27)
A comprehensive policy on standard precautions is available (E checklist) 41 (68%) 46 (77%) 9% (-9; 26)
Reporting system for needle stick injuries (V) 50 (83%) 54 (90%) 7% (-8; 21)
Randomly selected clinical area: sharps safety (V checklist)* 44 (73%) 50 (83%) 10% (-7; 27)
Annual hand washing/hygiene campaign/drive held (V) 21 (35%) 25 (42%) 7% (-12; 25)
Up-to-date decontamination policy (E checklist)* 15 (25%) 23 (38%) 13% (-3; 29)
Staff able to explain used instrument sterilization procedure (E Checklist)* 31 (52%) 33 (55%) 3% (-17; 23)
Records show staff with NSI received PEP and have been retested (V) 24 (40%) 31 (52%) 12% (-5; 29)
The fire certificate for the facility is available (E) 7 (12%) 24 (40%) 28% (12; 47)
There are quarterly emergency drills (E) 0 6 (10%) 10% (0.7; 19)
Pooled mean overall facility score (weighted mean, SD) 66.08% (20.15) 66.26% (21.60) 0.18 (-6.50; 6.86)§

CHC, Community Health Center; CI, confidence interval; D, developmental; E, essential; FDA, Food and Drug Administration; IPC, infection prevention and control; IQR, interquartile range; NSI, needle stick injuries; PEP, postexposure prophylaxis; PPE, personal protective equipment; SD, standard deviation; TB, tuberculosis; V, vital; X, extreme.

Numerical variable based on checklist. Compliant on Essential measure if numerical score 80% or greater; compliant on Vital measure if 90% or greater.

McNemar test for all binary variable comparisons.

Weighting: X = 40%, V = 30%, E = 20%, D = 10% (none in this study).


Difference between means, paired data.