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. 2018 Feb 22;2018(2):MR000013. doi: 10.1002/14651858.MR000013.pub6

Jennings 2015e.

Methods Randomised controlled trial
Data Setting: primary care, UK. Participants were 199 people who were 18 to 80 years with at least 1 component of the metabolic syndrome
Comparisons Investigated effect of financial incentive on recruitment
Intervention: offer of GBP 100
Comparison: no offer
Outcomes Proportion recruited to trial
Risk of bias
Item Authors' judgement Description
Random Sequence generation ok? Yes Done centrally using computer algorithm. There was a slight imbalance in favour of control because of algorithm used but allocation still random
Allocation concealment? Yes Done centrally
Blinding of participants and personnel ok? Yes Research nurses and staff not blinded but invitations sent out to patients on GP list so staff can not influence response. Participants blinded
Blinding of outcome assessment ok? Yes Objective outcome
Incomplete outcome data handled ok? Yes Adequate
Free of selective reporting? Yes Recruitment data reported, which is all the review needs
Was the study free of other bias? Yes No other biases apparent
Overall bias? No Low risk of bias