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. 2018 Feb 22;2018(2):MR000013. doi: 10.1002/14651858.MR000013.pub6

Llewellyn‐Thomas 1995b.

Methods Randomised controlled trial
Data Setting: secondary care, Canada. 100 patients attending the outpatient department of a cancer hospital
Comparisons Investigated the effect of different trial information methods
Searchable computerised information on a hypothetical trial, including purpose, description of treatment group and randomisation, possible benefits, side effects and patients' rights. This was compared to tape‐recorded information on a hypothetical trial, including purpose, description of treatment arm and randomisation, possible benefits, side effects and patients' rights
Outcomes Proportion recruited to hypothetical trial
Risk of bias
Item Authors' judgement Description
Random Sequence generation ok? Unclear Just says framing was randomly determined
Allocation concealment? Unclear Used sealed envelopes although doesn't mention numbering
Blinding of participants and personnel ok? Yes Unclear if the interviewer or the participants were blinded. It depends on what the participants were told. Interviewer did not seem to do more than help with equipment, so perhaps limited room for bias
Blinding of outcome assessment ok? Yes Somewhat unclear (see above), subjective outcome but probably did not affect outcome
Incomplete outcome data handled ok? Yes Adequate
Free of selective reporting? Yes Willingness to take part outcome presented, which is all the review needs
Was the study free of other bias? No Hypothetical trial
Overall bias? Yes High risk of bias