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. 2018 Feb 22;2018(2):MR000013. doi: 10.1002/14651858.MR000013.pub6

Mudano 2013.

Methods Quasi‐randomised trial (used date of birth)
Data Setting: primary care, USA. Participants were 155 women ≥ 65 years with Medicare drug coverage and no reported use of osteoporosis medication in last year. Also bone fracture since 50, or osteo diagnosis by healthcare professional (based on self‐report)
Comparisons Investigated effect of systems to support eligibility screening
Intervention: tablet computer to support eligibility screening
Comparator: integrated voice response system (IVRS) to support eligibility screening
Outcomes Willingness to participate in hypothetical trial
Risk of bias
Item Authors' judgement Description
Random Sequence generation ok? No Used day of birth, even date allocated to tablet
Allocation concealment? No See above
Blinding of participants and personnel ok? Unclear Unclear how much participants knew; study staff not blinded
Blinding of outcome assessment ok? Unclear Outcome was willingness to take part, and participants possibly knew that they were in study and therefore that there was another arm to which they could have been allocated. Could influence this subjective outcome.
Incomplete outcome data handled ok? Yes 160 participants, all 93 in tablet arm completed, only 46 of 67 in IVRS arm completed screening. Does seem that most provided willingness to participate data though
Free of selective reporting? Yes Willingness to take part is reported, and this is only outcome needed for review.
Was the study free of other bias? No Trial was hypothetical. Almost a third more people in intervention arm than in control.
Overall bias? Yes High risk of bias