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. 2018 Feb 22;2018(2):MR000013. doi: 10.1002/14651858.MR000013.pub6

Weinfurt 2008a.

Methods Randomised controlled trial
Data Setting: community, USA. 3623 participants aged 18 or over and diagnosed with coronary artery disease
Comparisons Intervention A: drug company pays investigator running costs plus general statement saying ethics committee did not think this would affect patient safety
Intervention B: drug company pays investigator money for things outside the study plus general statement saying ethics committee did not think this would affect patient safety
Intervention C: Investigator owns part of drug company plus general statement saying ethics committee did not think this would affect patient safety.
Intervention D: Institution owns part of drug company plus general statement saying ethics committee did not think this would affect patient safety
Comparator: generic financial disclosure: general statement about investigator possibly gaining financially plus general statement saying ethics committee did not think this would affect patient safety
Outcomes Willingness to take part in hypothetical trial
Risk of bias
Item Authors' judgement Description
Random Sequence generation ok? Unclear Randomisation mentioned but no more details
Allocation concealment? Unclear See above
Blinding of participants and personnel ok? Unclear Not clear what participants were told about the purpose of the study although there were 5 disclosure statements so everyone got a statement (i.e. hard to tell which group they were in). Participants completed a questionnaire (probably) so research team unable to influence
Blinding of outcome assessment ok? Unclear See above
Incomplete outcome data handled ok? Unclear Only P values presented, not absolute numbers
Free of selective reporting? Yes Willingness to participate outcome presented, which is all the review needs
Was the study free of other bias? No Hypothetical trial
Overall bias? Yes High risk of bias