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. 2020 Mar 12;25(10):2000153. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.10.2000153

Table 3. Influenza viruses characterised by clade, amino acid substitutions and study site, five European studies, interim influenza season 2019/20 (n = 605).

Influenza virus Clade DK-H/DK-PCa ES-PCb EU-PCc,d UK-PCd
n % n % n % n %
Total influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 n = 505 n  = 566 n  = 496 n = 50
Sequenced 72 15 86 15 46 9 8 16
A/Norway/3433/2018-like 6B.1A5A 56 78 84 98 43 NC 7 NC
A/Switzerland/3330/2017-like 6B.1A5B 15 21 2 2 3 NC 0 NC
A/Slovenia/1489/2019-like 6B.1A7 1 1 0 0 0 NC 0 NC
A/Brisbane/02/2018-like 6B.1A1 0 0 0 0 0 NC 0 NC
A/Ireland/84630/2018-like 6B.1A6 0 0 0 0 0 NC 1 NC
Total influenza A(H3N2) n = 572 n  = 75 n  = 250 n = 675
Sequenced 68 12 23 31 75 30 168 25
A/South Australia/34/2019-like 3C.2a1b + T131K 27 40 6 NC 21 28 13 8
A/La Rioja/2202/2018-like 3C.2a1b + T135K-A 1 1 9 NC 10 13 1 1
A/Hong Kong/2675/2019-like 3C.2a1b + T135K-B 9 13 1 NC 1 1 4 2
A/Kansas/14/2017-like 3C.3a 31 46 7 NC 43 57 150 89
Total influenza B n = 213 n = 285 n = 317 n = 8
Sequencede 8 4 0 0 46 15 5 63
Total B/Victoria among sequenced 8 NC 0 NC 46 NC 5 NC
B/Colorado/06/2017-like 1A (del162–163) 0 NC 0 NC 1 NC 0 NC
B/Hong Kong/269/201-like 1A (del162–164)A 0 NC 0 NC 0 NC 0 NC
B/Washington/02/2019-like 1A (del162–164)B 8 NC 0 NC 45 NC 5 NC

DK-PC: Denmark primary care study; DK-H: Denmark hospital study; ES-PC: Spain primary care study; EU-PC: European Union primary care multicentre I-MOVE study; I-MOVE: Influenza – Monitoring Vaccine Effectiveness in Europe; NC: not calculated (percentages not shown where denominators < 60); UK-PC: United Kingdom primary care study.

a DK-H and DK-PC samples are combined; sequence information is based on influenza-positive samples received for surveillance at the National Influenza Center Denmark from week 40/2019 and 4/2020.

b Specimens sequenced from Spain originate from the entire National Influenza Surveillance System in weeks 40/2019 to 4/2020.

c Two specimens from ES-PC also included in EU-PC data.

d At time of publishing not all specimens from the study period were processed.

e No B/Yamagata samples had been sequenced at the time of publishing.