Table 2.
Discriminative ability (C‐statistic) for in‐hospital mortality (11 882 patients) and major trauma (52 818) among 154 476 patients registered in TARN, 2013–2016, with overtriage and undertriage rates for predicting major trauma using the optimal cut‐off for models in the validation data set
Model | C‐statistic for in‐hospital mortality | C‐statistic for ISS > 15 | Cut‐off indicating major trauma of total model score | 1 – sensitivity (undertriage) | 1 – specificity (overtriage) |
PHI | 0·734 (0·729, 0·739) | 0·708 (0·706, 0·711) | ≥ 1 of 20 | 38·9 | 23·7 |
T‐RTS | 0·706 (0·702, 0·711) | 0·630 (0·628, 0·632) | ≤ 11 of 12 | 66·8 | 8·1 |
PSS | 0·741 (0·736, 0·746) | 0·710 (0·708, 0·713) | ≤ 11 of 12 | 40·5 | 21·3 |
MGAP | 0·602 (0·596, 0·608) | 0·659 (0·657, 0·662) | ≤ 28 of 29 | 31·0 | 51·2 |
mREMS | 0·793 (0·789, 0·797) | 0·589 (0·586, 0·592) | > 3 of 26 | 23·1 | 72·4 |
KTS | 0·769 (0·764, 0·773) | 0·735 (0·733, 0·737) | ≤ 15 of 16 | 3·6 | 82·8 |
ISS | 0·728 (0·723, 0·733) | – | > 15 | – | – |
Values in parentheses are 95 per cent confidence intervals. An Injury Severity Score (ISS) above 15 indicates major trauma. According to American College of Surgeons – Committee on Trauma guidelines, an undertriage rate of 5 per cent and an overtriage rate of 25–35 per cent is acceptable. TARN, Trauma and Audit Research Network; PHI, Prehospital Index; T‐RTS, Triage Revised Trauma Score; PSS, Physiologic Severity Score; MGAP, Mechanism, Glasgow Coma Scale, Age and Arterial Pressure; mREMS, modified Rapid Emergency Medicine Score; KTS, Kampala Trauma Score.