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. 2020 Jan 3;89(3):867–883. doi: 10.1111/1365-2656.13152

Table 3.

Differences in body mass and extent of primary moult between fruit and invertebrate‐fed common bulbuls Pycnonotus barbatus between week 0 and 12 and week 12 and 24. A subset of each treatment was switched to alternative diet treatment at week 12, resulting in four treatment groups: FI‐fruit to invertebrate, IF‐invertebrate to fruit, FF‐ fruit throughout and II‐invertebrate throughout. Primary moult commenced after week 12—all birds had new or old feathers before week 12

Factor df Body mass (g) Primary moult
Chisq p Chisq p
Week 0 & 12
Samplinga 1 0.03 .87
Captureb 1 0.24 .62
Sex 1 13.94 <.01***
Diet (F or I) 1 7.12 .01**
Week 1 85.08 <.01***
Diet*Week 1 14.63 <.01***
Week 12 & 24
Samplinga 2.94 .09
Captureb 0.28 .59
Sex 1 9.20 <.01** 1.73 .19
Diet (FF, FI, IF or II) 3 18.00 <.01*** 11.64 .01**
Week 1 4.69 .03* 17.75 <.01***
Diet*Week 3 23.20 <.01*** 16.52 <.01***

Sampling—time lag between capture and sample.


Capture—time lag between the first capture of each day and the sampling of each bird.

Statistically significant effects are highlighted bold.

*p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001.